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News from Mabel

  1. Redefining Roe

    Our Annual Roe v. Wade Anniversary Celebration Join us for sweets, treats, and conversation to honor the 44th anniversary of the Supreme Court case that made abortion a legal right in the United States. The program will include a screening of a short film by Dawn Porter (filmmaker of the award-winning documentary Trapped) and panel discussion about abortion… read more…

  2. News from Partner Organizations

    Maine NEW Leadership:  Maine NEW (National Education for Women) Leadership will host its annual six-day residential undergraduate student leadership training program June 1 – June 6, 2017 at the University of Maine. They are looking for a diverse group of students who are motivated to learn about the importance of women’s participation in public life… read more…

  3. Happy Holidays from Mabel’s!

    It has been a busy year full of providing high-quality, client-centered health care and non-judgmental, medically accurate education. It was such a treat to finally have the opportunity to gather as a full staff for a holiday celebration. As we reflect on the past year and plan for the year to come, we are so… read more…

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