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News from Mabel

  1. World AIDS Day: December 1st

      This is the final post from our fall intern Meghan Frisard, University of Maine student.  World AIDS Day happens annually on December 1st. It is an opportunity for people from around the world to show support for those living with HIV/AIDS and to raise money and awareness about this disease.  Since 1984 when the… read more…

  2. Transgender Day of Remembrance

    At Mabel Wadsworth Center, our interns are responsible for updating the bulletin board in our waiting room once a month. Past topics have included healthy relationships, safer sex, abortion stories and more. In case you haven’t had the chance to visit us during November, you can read about our bulletin board here.  This post is… read more…

  3. Get Out The Vote: Yes on Question 2

    At Mabel Wadsworth Center, our interns are responsible for updating the bulletin board in our waiting room once a month. Past topics have included healthy relationships, safer sex, abortion stories and more. In case you didn’t have the chance to visit us during the month of October, we’ve decided to put the bulletin board online… read more…

  4. Health Insurance 101

    At Mabel Wadsworth Center, our interns are responsible for updating the bulletin board in our waiting room once a month. Past topics have included healthy relationships, safer sex, abortion stories and more. In case you didn’t have the chance to visit us during the month of September, we’ve decided to put the bulletin board online… read more…

  5. We support nurse practitioners and increased access to abortion care!

    The Center strongly supports the ACLU’s lawsuit to challenge a medically unnecessary abortion restriction that burdens Maine women, especially young women, women of color, and women with low income. The current law singles out abortion as the only health care service advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) are banned from providing, despite their rigorous post-graduate training… read more…

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