Abortion is legal in Maine! Learn More

Mabel’s Voices

The goal of the Mabel’s Voices Project is to demolish the shame, silence, and stigma that surround sexual and reproductive healthcare, bodily autonomy, and personal identity by building individual and collective power through story sharing. We believe that when we share our experiences we empower ourselves and others in our community. Your story can be anything from your first experience with puberty to a story about sexuality and reproduction, including an abortion, pregnancy, and birth. 

Reproductive and sexual healthcare is a normal and necessary part of our lives. The stories shared through Mabel’s Voices, with consent, will be shared on our blog for others to read. Story sharers may be approached in the future to testify at rallies, bill hearings, or other events that further our goal of ending stigma and spreading truth.

Share your story here.

  1. My Primary Emotion was Relief

    Written by Jessy Brainerd When I was in eighth grade at Catholic School, in my Religion class, we had to take part in a mock debate project. I felt incredibly lucky to get to argue the “Pro-Life” side of the abortion debate. It was simple to me – abortion is murder, and anyone who had… read more…

  2. Abortion as a Moral Choice

    Written by The Reverend Anne C. Fowler, Episcopal priest In April of 1973 my husband left me, pleading that he had fallen in love with our upstairs tenant and wanted to spend his life with her. I was four months pregnant. Roe v. Wade had been decided three months earlier. My obstetrician sent me to… read more…

  3. Thank you for being here.

    I’m a single mom and always have been. My first abortion was when I was 19. The pregnancy was a result of a broken condom. Really! True story. I was living in Seattle, but home visiting my family in Maine when I found out I was pregnant, and I was nearly at 12 weeks before… read more…

  4. Marsha’s Story

    Thank you, Marsha for sharing your story. You are brave. Thank you to our amazing volunteer, JoAnne Dauphinee, for interviewing, filming and editing this great piece.  Enjoy!

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