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Mabel’s Voices

The goal of the Mabel’s Voices Project is to demolish the shame, silence, and stigma that surround sexual and reproductive healthcare, bodily autonomy, and personal identity by building individual and collective power through story sharing. We believe that when we share our experiences we empower ourselves and others in our community. Your story can be anything from your first experience with puberty to a story about sexuality and reproduction, including an abortion, pregnancy, and birth. 

Reproductive and sexual healthcare is a normal and necessary part of our lives. The stories shared through Mabel’s Voices, with consent, will be shared on our blog for others to read. Story sharers may be approached in the future to testify at rallies, bill hearings, or other events that further our goal of ending stigma and spreading truth.

Share your story here.

  1. Mabel’s Voices

    “When a woman tells the truth she is creating the possibility for more truth around her.” -Adrienne Rich

  2. Voting Stories

    In celebration of Women’s Equality Day, the next few posts will be focused on women’s experiences voting. We’d love to hear your story as well. Why do you vote? What issues bring you to the polls? What was it like voting for the first time? Maybe you choose not to vote, why? Have you ever… read more…

  3. We All Have Bad Days

    Catherine Frederick’s Story told on May 19, 2016 at Mabel Wadsworth Center’s Annual Dinner Celebration We have bad days, long weeks, and difficult years. For me, February 2015 was the endpoint of a disparaging brutish year. It was early in the month and I was staring at a positive pregnancy test. It was the fourth test… read more…

  4. I Wouldn’t Call it Regret

    I’m a 48 year old woman, wife and mother of two wonderful children who are now young adults. When I was 34, I was a single mother, struggling to work, finish graduate school, and get sober. I feel like I had been a good mom up until my 34th year when I suddenly left a… read more…

  5. From the Bottom of My Heart

    Mabel Wadsworth Women’s Health Center, From the moment I first called to make an appointment to the moment I walked out the door afterward, I never once felt uncomfortable, unsafe, or judged. Instead, I felt safe, comfortable, understood, and respected. The attention that was paid to ensure all of these conditions was incredible and the… read more…

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