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Suction Abortion

Suction abortion, also known as aspiration abortion or in-clinic abortion, is available at Mabel Wadsworth Center through 16 weeks since your last period.

What to expect during your appointment and procedure: During your visit, you will read through and fill out paperwork, have an education session so you know what to expect during and after the procedure, and sign consent forms. After all of your questions have been discussed, a clinician will perform an ultrasound to confirm the gestation of your pregnancy.

During the procedure, we use a local anesthetic so you will be awake during the procedure. The anesthetic numbs the area around the cervix so that the provider can open the cervix with sterile rounded-tipped rods with minimal pain. Then the provider will empty the uterus using either a hand-held suction device or a suction machine that makes a low humming sound. After the procedure is complete you will be here another 20 to 30 minutes or until you feel well enough to drive home.

We also offer conscious sedation for pain management. This is particularly encouraged for those past 14 weeks gestation, but is available regardless of gestation. Those who receive conscious sedation will not be able to drive themselves home, and will need to have someone available to drive them.

One of our unique features is your ability to recover privately in the same room where you have the procedure. You also have the option of having your support person present with you for the procedure. We work to provide as comfortable an experience as possible for you during the time you are here. Altogether, you should plan on being here for about 2-3 hours. Appointment times can vary depending on the degree of individualized attention needed.

Please know that it is our goal to provide individualized attention and care for every person’s needs to make sure you are appropriately assisted in a timely manner. Our front desk staff will be happy to help you set up your appointment and determine how much time you should plan for.

Additionally, we are trained to offer trauma-informed care, trans-inclusive care, and special support as needed. If you have special needs that aren’t addressed here, please contact us to discuss how we can make your visit more accommodating.

What it feels like: Each person’s experience is different. Most people say the procedure feels like moderate to severe menstrual cramps that last for about five minutes. You will be offered some medication to help with this discomfort and the clinical assistant will talk with you about different ways you can help relax your body – the more relaxed you are, the more comfortable the procedure is.

Time to recover: After an abortion, you will probably have some cramping and bleeding and you should rest for the remainder of the day. Most people say they feel back to normal the following day. It is important not to do any heavy lifting or excessively hard physical work/exercise for a couple of days, as these activities will increase cramping and bleeding.


Make your appointment today:

  • Call (207) 947-5337. If you get our voicemail, please leave a message and our staff will get back to you ASAP. If you are unable to leave a message, please contact us via email.
  • Email Us (info@mabelwadsworth.org)