Abortion is legal in Maine! Learn More

Medication Abortion

The abortion pill can be accessed at Mabel Wadsworth Center in person or via telehealth appointment for people in Maine, with the medications sent by mail to an address in Maine. 

You must be within the first 77 days (11 weeks) of the pregnancy. 

What to expect during your appointments and process: Medication abortion is a process by which you will take two medications to end and expel a pregnancy. 

Your first appointment: At your first visit, which can be done in the office or via telehealth, you will read through and fill out paperwork and sign consent forms. Our staff will make sure you’re given enough time to have all your questions answered. 

The Process: The first medication you will take, called Mifeprex, causes the pregnancy to stop developing.

Within 6 to 72 hours of taking the first medication, you will take the second medication (Misoprostol), at home or at a location you feel safe and comfortable, which will cause you to expel the pregnancy. It can take anywhere from 4 to 12 hours, or longer, for this process to occur. During that time, you will have cramping, bleeding, and clotting. Nausea, diarrhea, fever, and chills can also occur. We recommend that you are able to have a 24-hour period with no plans during this process. You must have a support person with you during this time and you must have access to a phone and vehicle and be within 50 miles of a hospital in case of an emergency.

Your follow-up appointment: We offer follow-up in the office or by telephone. This typically happens within 1-2 weeks of your abortion. Medication abortion is 97% effective, and at this appointment, we will confirm that the abortion is complete. If it appears that you have not passed the pregnancy, we will perform an ultrasound in the office, and you will be given two options: take another dose of Misoprostol or have an in-clinic aspiration (or suction) abortion. If you choose to take the Misoprostol and you still don’t pass the pregnancy, a procedure will be necessary.

What it feels like: Some people compare the experience of medication abortion to that of having a miscarriage or a heavy period with mild flu-like symptoms. Most people experience heavy cramps and bleeding within four hours of inserting the Misoprostol. Along with these symptoms, you might also pass blood clots. You might become nauseated or feverish and you might have diarrhea – these are all normal and expected symptoms. The bleeding should slow down within a day, but you can have some bleeding for up to several weeks. You may also have mild cramping for up to 10 days following the abortion process.

Time to recover: After an abortion, you will probably have some cramping and bleeding. After inserting the Misoprostol, you should rest/engage in light activity as is comfortable for the next 24 hours. Most people will feel back to normal after this time period. It is important not to do any heavy lifting or excessively hard physical work/exercise for a couple of days as these things will increase your cramping and bleeding.

Make your appointment today:

  • Call (207) 947-5337. If you get our voicemail, please leave a message and our staff will get back to you ASAP. If you are unable to leave a message, please contact us via email.
  • Email Us (info@mabelwadsworth.org)